

Instructor:  You lose a letter grade off your final grade for each absence over four.  You have five absences.

Student:  (brief pause)  So how many letter grades is that?

Instructor:  (silently to self) Oh my.


  1. I gots to say, that's a pretty shitty rule.

    1. I "gots" to say you're a lazy dumbass... Let me enlighten you on the thought process behind this rule. This rule is to keep students coming to class and from being lazy shits. It's not hard to make it to class, put down the bong and don't polish off a case of beer the night before hand and getting to class becomes easy. College students are lazy and whiny, there is no excuse for missing a class that you have maybe all of three times a week. In the real world I fire people for excessive unexcused absences. Four days is generous, most employer's won't give you that many dumbass.
