

Instructor:  You never handed in your assignment on ethos.

Student:  Yeah.  I've been putting my time into other classes.


  1. Congratulations and thank you for this blog.

  2. Maybe they're dumb because you're a poor 'instructor' - ever consider that?

    1. No. The attitude is the main source of her/his dumbness. Instructors are not responsible for that.

  3. The real matter is why you are still a college instructor if you hate the job/kids so much.................................

  4. Where is the ethos of the professors who try to sleep with their students, huh? And all of you idiots sit around and wonder why there aren't more women in math and science. It is always because of that one professor's behavior that the department chooses to ignore, because in their eyes, the professor is more valuable than the student.

    But that's okay. College is a joke anyways, and professors are failures who could not make it in the real world.

    Just because you have a PhD in Bullshit, doesn't mean society owes you a job where you contribute nothing.

    -Previous College Student

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. So... the reason why there aren't women in STEM is because college professors sleep with their female students? Wow...

    College isn't a joke. Actually, you're the joke who wasn't admitted into the university you applied to (assuming you applied to one).

    Professors are failures who couldn't make it into the real world, huh? You are one IGNORANT human being. I can't even begin to fathom how you actually made it to college. Oh wait, that's right... your damaged goods from the secondary school system.

    Yeah... you can have all of the above and give me a side order of fries, you idiot. Thank you for making sure this country gets its ass handed over to it in the near future.

  7. I was sexually harassed by a math professor at a small college and I knew I could never turn him in because I KNEW that no one would do anything about it.

    AND what I mean by sexual harassment is showing up in the computer lab after hours while I was studying and trying to get me into his car, trying to add me on social media, confronting my boyfriend who walked me to class because he was angry over the situation.

    Yeah, women can't make it in STEM because their useless professor's are too busy thinking about their crotch instead of their students' future.

    That's's been a while since I chose to boycott academia and what that has brought me is a CompTIA Certification and a CCNA. Which holds more weight than a college degree because it shows I actually know something and didn't have to suck off some professor for a grade.

    Have fun working as an adjunct for minimum wage, teaching at 7 different colleges just to buy a pint of vodka to treat your permanent head damage.

    Oh....and my old college, one of their golden child professor's just got busted for trying to lure a child online. Don't believe me? Google WSCU and the phrase.

    You can have your imaginary White Cathedral, I followed the advice of James Altucher and took the Bazaar.
